
What is the gospel #10

      I think that it is important to get into discussions about what a person believes. So I am going to show you what I believe. Now many branches of Christianity have differing beliefs. The one I am going to be righting about is the Southern Baptist belief.      The first point I have is that God created the world. This one is simple enough. Though this one is super important. This one says that God exists this world did not happen by random chance. It also makes all the world Gods creation. We are Gods creation and he made us for a purpose. He also has the power and authority to do with his creation whatever he wants.      The next point is that sin separates us from God. This point is important because God and sin can't coexist. He must bring his judgement down on sin. We are sinful people. Every person on earth has sinned against God. It may not be that we are totally evil but sin infects every part of us. We can't be goo...

World Views #9

      World Views are an important part of life. They are what we make many of are choices off of. Everyone has a worldview even if we don't think about it. All that being said what is a worldview. Well I got this definition from Merriam Webster " a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint". This means it is the way you look at the world. Your world view effects the way you make decisions. All of this means that it is probably a pretty important thing.      I am going to talk about how media can effect your world view. As people we don't have the answers to everything. So often times we get the answers from the culture around us. There is nothing wrong about this but it often happens subconsciously. It is very effected by the people we are spending time with. Your worldview will start to reflect the communities that you are in. It is also formed by the messages around us. These factors help a per...

Stressing myself out #8

            Hello again. Often times I set up a large amount of tasks I want to complete. Things that I inspire to do. Hobbies that I find fun and want to pursue more. Video Games I want to complete. Books I want to read. What ends up happening is that I create too many tasks for myself and end up completing none of them. I get myself so busy planing that I never complete the plan.           Often times once I stop a task it is really hard to get started back on a task. One example is that I liked to draw comics. The problem though was that as comics started to take longer to draw I stopped drawing them. It is not a good habit to get into. The more tasks I accumulate the more stress I get and the less I want to do the tasks.           The best way I find not to run into this problem is to work on it in increments. Not do all of the work at once. Plan when you are going to do all of y...

Hashtag #7

    I have never really used a Hashtag. This is probably because I was not raised on social media. I did not get my first smart phone until my freshmen year of high school. Before that I did not have any type of phone. On that phone I did not have any type of social media. I still don't use any type of social media. I much prefer to talk face to face with someone. Social media has only ever been something I get when I absolutely have to. My biggest connection to the hashtag is to the meme where everyone would say hashtag in front of every sentence.     Now that I have discredited myself... The hashtag is their to help you find things like current and what not. It is a way to categorize information. They can help forward social movements and help people become apart of those movements.

#6 Apologetics

    Alright so I know I am doing a kind of different blog but I thought that you would be interested. So as you can probably tell from the title it is called apologetics. The question then becomes what is apologetics? It is the defense for religious doctrine using logic.          You may ask why am I talking about this. I think that a lot of people don't actually think about what they believe and so they just go through their day and never have their beliefs challenged. You also have people like myself which never knew where to search to find the answer I am looking for. So I will try and explain what apologetics. What an apologist does is he finds where someone might find and inconsistency in the bible and see if their is a logical explanation for this problem.      One example I have run across is "can God make a rock he can't pick up? If no then he isn't all powerful, If yes then he isn't making a rock that he can't pick up...

#5: School and edication

Image Hello everybody in the article above the governor of Arizona is talking about how he wants to help are states education system. We will be going over what makes it convincing and what parts could be worked on. He starts off by saying that he is a dad and cares about the success of his child. The way he starts give him credibility. This is basically him saying that he understands what people are feeling. I think this beginning is pretty good. It does not take up to much time and gets his point across. This also identifies the audience of the article. He then talks about how education gets people more opportunities. This is a logical argument saying that if are schools are better we will have a better society. He also supports this claim with numbers that show that it is a correct claim. I think this provides a good logical argument that helps out his claim.    Lastly ...

Why I dislike the New Disney Star Wars trillogy#4

       If you can't tell from the title I dislike this trilogy. I think that it was rushed and needed more time to be thought over. I think the people who were making these movies did not understand what made a Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (original Trilogy) so good. Another thing they did not understand was why the Star Wars: A Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Prequels) bad. Along with bad world building make me not like this trilogy. last I think that they did a really bad job with their characters.      first I think I am going to go over why I like the original trilogy. George Lucas does an excellent job of developing his characters. They all keep to their character traits which makes them very well defined. this also allows them to grow over time throughout the trilogy. They also all have interesting interactions with the characte...