Why I dislike the New Disney Star Wars trillogy#4
If you can't tell from the title I dislike this trilogy. I think that it was rushed and needed more time to be thought over. I think the people who were making these movies did not understand what made a Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (original Trilogy) so good. Another thing they did not understand was why the Star Wars: A Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Prequels) bad. Along with bad world building make me not like this trilogy. last I think that they did a really bad job with their characters. first I think I am going to go over why I like the original trilogy. George Lucas does an excellent job of developing his characters. They all keep to their character traits which makes them very well defined. this also allows them to grow over time throughout the trilogy. They also all have interesting interactions with the characte...